American Martyrs has many ways to get involved in our faith community. We have ministries that offer hospitality, service and spiritual growth. As you explore them here, consider how you would like to connect with others, what you have time for, if you would like to participate or if you’re ready to serve.
There are seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, which according to Catholic theology were instituted by Jesus and entrusted to the Church. Sacraments are visible rites seen as signs and efficacious channels of the grace of God to all those who receive them with the proper disposition.
As a community of disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to care for one another in times of difficulty and crisis. In response to that call, American Martyrs Catholic Community offers several Pastoral Care ministries whose purpose is to support fellow parishioners during stressful periods in their lives.
American Martyrs offers a variety of outreach and service ministries that provide support to those in need, while working to change the conditions that create such needs.
A Catholic parish school, celebrating the unique gifts of every person and fostering life-long faith, academic excellence, and an inner drive to serve others.
SRE is where children grades 1-8 receive their faith formation in their parish setting, as a support to the formation happening in the home.
American Martyrs Preschool is a Catholic preschool based on faith, hope and love: faith in Jesus, hope for the future and love of all that God has created.
Mommy, Mommy, can we go get a donut, all of my friends are there!
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