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    Bible in a Year

    12/13/24 | Registration Forms

    Join Fr. Joe in 2025 in exploring the Bible and Discussing your questions and issues. Fr. Joe will use a newly released version of the Bible in a Year.  Each day features three readings - one each from the Old Testament, Wisdom...

      Word & Wisdom Wednesdays

      11/30/24 | Young Adult Ministry

      Join other young adults for a weekly gathering of honest conversations, shared wisdom, and genuine community with Fr. David Romero, SJ. Each gathering will include a nugget of wisdom drawn from the upcoming Sunday Readings or other topics of...

        Parish Fair Donations

        9/11/24 | Parish Fair, Announcements

        Your donations and sponsorships make our American Martyrs Parish Fair a great success, and sponsorships also provide opportunities for families and businesses to prominently display their support within the community.
